
Maxelant Harmsze has always wanted to tell stories or sing songs. She is unafraid to look at the world in a different way, discovering the beauty hidden within everyday objects. She shows how a few words or images can become a story when interacted with.

Her art is a journey of exploration into possibilites, and adheres to three core principles :

Materials used are found, collected or retrieved from her 'Treasure trove in the attic".

Her art has an intellectual element to challenge the viewer.

The finished results must be visually appealing whilst provoking an emotional response.

Hats making magic

A simple hat can transform a person when they put it on. In a moment a world of possibilities opens up. To be a different character. To try on a different personality. To step into another world. A change for a moment or forever.


An exploration of shape and form.


Finding the poetry within an object

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